For the Modern Home, Cool Bathroom Vanities

Bathrooms in the 1950s and earlier were fitted with sinks. People were ecstatic just to have indoor plumbing, regardless of how basic it was. People began to desire something in their bathrooms that looked a little nicer than a white porcelain sink on chrome legs by the 1960s, and vanitiesbecame the standard like modern bathroomvanity mirror , wood framed bathroom vanity mirrors etc. The majority of these were wooden boxes that concealed the pipes while also providing some storage. Some of these were stunning and even fit for furniture, and it's a look that many people still favour today. In addition to the more classic styles, manufacturers are now creating more modern bathroom vanity mirror. Some of the vanities on the market now look and feel like exquisite furniture, and that's because they are. Many people want something more sophisticated and elegant to dress up a powder room used for entertaining or a sumptuous master bath, and you'll be able to find many various t...